

Zazen in English at KENCHOJI

Nov 18,Zazen in English was taken place at Kenchoji temple in Kamakura. That was the last session in 2013. More 20 people who are from outside Japan gatherd,and had the great experience at the Dragon King hall.

▲Zazen class starts at 1:30 pm. I explaned how to make Zazen posture,how to take KEISAKU. 

▲Once you hear the sound of instrument,don't move your muscle.

▲Stay still.

Consentrate to make Zazen posture.

When you'd like to take KEISAKU,your palm together, make your back like ball. It is like・・・ evacuation pose which you sometimes watch in emergency video on the aircraft.

We hit twice of each on your back. Taking kEISAKU,you feel much better. Hitting makes you stimulate your body,prevent getting sleepy.

After Zazen,we recite heart sutra. You can take 2 type of Script written in KANJI and English.
We moved to the next building,have small tea ceremony.

Thank you very much for your perticipation all day long! Can you find your snapshot? We are looking forward to serving you again. Very sorry that it has been 'not scheduled' next year.But once decided,we are very sure to inform to everyone of you also on this web sight, as soon as possible. 〜Dohgen