

Zazen in English at KENCHOJI

Yesterday Zazen-Kai was taken place at Kenchoji in Kamakura.
This is the 3rd session in 2013.

▲I explained how to do zazen.

▲Sit crpss-legged with both legs,or one leg.

▲Once you hear the sounds of instruments,stay still.

▲ Don't move your muscle!

▲Concentrate on making zazen posture.

▲When you would like to take KEISAKU,

▲you put your hands together and bow.

▲TAKAI-SAN hits twice on your back.

▲After ZAZEN, we have a tea ceremony in the next building.

Thank you very much for your attendannce of zazen-kai. Next class will be on Mon.June 17. We are expecting for seeing you again!