



Yesterday I was in Sendai to attend the comity on the memorial event for the victims for East Japan earthquake. Off course the aim was to prepare the event program, the chief priest of Koushoji temple and top his secretary told the several stories on that day. They extreamly focused on the necessity to unite us, to complete the event beyond the difference of our sect or denomination.
Here is the view from the top of the AER tower building near Sendai Station. I love it.


17日 土曜日 8:30〜9:45 外国人坐禅会 Tomorrow 17th is the Zazen in English at Kousaiji.

17日 13:00〜14:30 写経会. ....... and chanting and writing heart sutra class which begins at 13:00

I hope see you here.

18日 日曜日 8:30〜9:45 にちよう坐禅

英語に慣れてきた方は、ご本山建長寺さんでの外国人坐禅会、横須賀の独園寺さんでのclass on Buddhismに参加しています。実際に会話を体験し、さらなるスキルアップを目指しています。

建長寺外国人坐禅会 Zazen in English at Kenchoji taken place 6 times a year.
2017 Feb22. May12. June22. Aug23. Oct2. Nov28. 2018 Feb23.

2月15日 涅槃会 と 4月8日 花まつりです。時間は9:00 11:00 13:00です。