

7月の食 Eating in JULY

The snapshot is the perspective viewing from SHONANDAIRA in Hiratuka city. It is July now. Cool temperature makes us very easily prepare for the memorial event in mid summer,but I miss real hot summer days. Today I'd like to tell you on eating.

I go to Kappabashi in Tokyo at least once a month. I do want to find the goods be useful in the kitchen in the temple. On that day,I could be board on bland new cars on GINZA LINE. First experience!

I walked to・・・

本間さんです。the HOMMA SHOUTEN.

Even if you are not professional on cooking,no problem. We can also buy many kinds of seasoning by mega size. I ordered, checked,and asked the clerk to send goods by TAKKYUBIN. Coo~l!!

When I come back from Kamakura or Yokosuka,I got off car to seek for Famous SHIRASU. SHIRASU is tyny fish which is boild with salty water. I love it.But hardly gotting oppotunity to buy. Bad weather condition makes the fishermen not to ship. The shop is to be closed when the time soled it out.

We have small dinner time called NAKAZOYAKAI 4 times a year.

Seems to be good!

All guys are the member belongs to GYM. I love cooking and eating.
Once you have something special meal,Try to make it by your own idea. Very challenging!〜DOHGEN