

ZAZEN in English at Kenchoji

▲application sheet
Please downlaod this sheet,Fill in the blank and send to Kenchoji Office by FAX(0467-25-6316).
Information ZAZEN in 2014.
May 9,Jun 19,Sep 29,Oct 29,Nov 26
Start at 1:30pm(Receotion at 1pm) to 3:30pm.
Participation fee:1,000 yen

On Feb25,Zazen class was taken place at Kenchoji. This is the first time of 2014.

▲Fujio san expained how to make zazen posture.▼

▲Once you hear the sound of instrument,Stay still. Don't move your muscle!


▲Relaxed. Unhold your legs.

▲Now the time for reciting the heart sutra all together.▼

We moved to the Japanese style huge space 'Tokugeturo'.

Tea and F&Q time.

They gave us the comment for today's impression,joy as they thought.

Along the way to Isehara,We were very facinated sunset and the Enoshima island from Inamura. Spring has come!〜Dohgen
