

朝活 土曜英語坐禅会 にちよう坐禅会

にちよう坐禅会はおとなの脳トレクラスです。お経、漢文の素読坐禅で頭をスッキリさせ、1989年に一世風靡したswing out sisterのおふたりのメッセージを教材に、日本語と英語を使ったことば遊びをします。


Good morning. I am Gen Kikkawa. Tomorrow you can find the memorial service for victims of tsunami,3.11 disaster in Tohoku district every where in Japan. I will attend one of them in Kamaishi,Iwate prefecture. The ceremony will be taken place by All Japan Young Buddhist Association / JYBA.
It takes more 6 hours from Kanagawa by Shinkansen and local train Kamaishi line. Now I am typing this blog within its boarding on Tohoku Shinkansen train. What a coincidence! In the car,The man before me was Mr. Tetsujo Ohtani sensei who made a huge,heartwarming lecture in Yokohama,on March 2 ,KYBA 40th anniversary. It seems, I may expect everythings will be going right?

Zazen in English at Kousaiji is here for you every Saturday morning. That is for you like a tulists or residents in Japan and your host. Registration starts 8:15,Class does 8:30. 500 JPY for admission fee including tiny tea party.
I hope see you there.